Feel free to DM us any sort of soap you'd like to see on our page. While we cannot promise that we'll definitely find what you're looking for, we will certainly try to.
We also welcome video submissions of soap cutting clips you've come across. Send us the Instagram link or the file via DM.
We do realize CuriousCat asks tend to get unbearable and clutter your timelines. That's why we encourage you to DM us any questions or just use the reply function.
We've decided not to create a CuriousCat page. You must face Soap Of The Day in order to communicate with us.
If that's of any significance to you, feel free to refer to SOTD with [they] pronouns. The owner is an indescribable being.
Did you know...
...that soap has been around for about 4,800 years?
...that its name comes from the fictional Mount Sapo, which is mentioned in an ancient Roman legend?
...that nobody has managed to hypnotize or brainwash people with soap so far?
...that soap is both environmentally friendly and biodegradable?
...that your brain is very satisfied with what you're viewing?
What is a soap?
Wikipedia suggests that soap is a substance used with water for washing and cleaning, made of a compound of natural oils or fats with sodium hydroxide or another strong alkali, and typically having perfume and colouring added.
What is a soapoid?
It is any material that looks pleasing while being cut, destroyed, shredded or kneaded. Every soapoid strives to be a soap, but they fail. Every time you repeat that they are not soaps it hurts them more. Please be considerate of their feelings.
The list would include clay, floral foam, some types of slimes, various cracking creatures and mysterious soap-like substances.
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